Can you go to a treatment center for mental health help alone? Yes, but you’d go to a treatment center specifically for the management of mental health, not a substance abuse recovery rehab. People often confuse mental health treatment without concurrent substance abuse with dual diagnosis substance abuse treatment. They are not the same thing. Dual diagnosis refers to a comprehensive type of drug or alcohol rehab for people with both a substance abuse and a mental health disorder. Self-medication for underlying mental health disorders is common and results in a two-pointed recovery issue wherein both conditions must be treated together for the person to have any realistic chance for long-term sobriety.
Standalone mental health facilities, just like substance abuse treatment ones, are available in both outpatient and inpatient forms. It should be noted that some standalone centers do offer both substance abuse and mental health disorder treatment as separate issues, but if you truly don’t have a substance abuse problem, you might be better served by a treatment center offering only mental health services.
Do you need inpatient or outpatient treatment? Sometimes, you may qualify for both or either. The question must be answered by a mental health professional, but typically it depends on the scope of your symptoms, how long you’ve had them, how functional you are and your type of mental disorder, along with a variety of other possible factors. Severe types of psychosis and uncontrolled forms of schizophrenia generally require an inpatient facility stay. Whatever your needs are, don’t be afraid to seek help. You have the same right to be happy and mentally sound as anyone else. Society often places a cruel, ludicrous stigma on both mental disorders and substance abuse problems.
Hopefully, one day, this attitude will change to one of compassion and insight. Until then, don’t be ashamed to speak up and seek help. If people make unkind comments, don’t pay it any mind. They’re only showing their own ignorance and weak character. You can’t help it if you have a mental disorder any more than you could help it if you contracted a chronic disease. Would people laugh at somebody with diabetes or heart disease? Of course not. If others choose to mock you and make jokes at your expense, they’re doing so out of a real lack of knowledge, education and empathy for others. We all have our problems.
It’s not your fault.
Mental Conditions
There are a wide variety of mental disorders and issues treatable at either inpatient or outpatient mental health centers:
- Bipolar disorder
- Personality disorders
- Diffuse emotional disturbances
- Traumatic event
- Hoarding
- Gambling, food and sex addictions
- Dissociative disorders
- Psychosis
- Thinking and impulse control disorders
That’s just a partial list. Some people may have more than one disorder at the same time. An intake counselor at the treatment center you choose will conduct a thorough history and interview and then give you an outline or an idea of the treatment plan they will likely create for you. This will include a wide range of proven therapies for your condition. Depending on the facility, your treatment plan may include alternative therapies, like taking care of dogs and other small animals, riding and caring for horses, art, dance, creative writing and poetry, swimming and water ballet and hiking, birding and nature appreciation. If these interest you, ask about them before you make your final choice.
Some mental health treatment centers also offer holistic therapy. The philosophy of this is that the person isn’t just someone with a mental condition. Holistic therapy cares for the whole person, mind, body and soul. It uses such methods as yoga, biofeedback, meditation, herbal medicine, nutritional therapy, acupuncture and massage. This is in addition to more standard therapies, such as medication, group and individual therapy, trauma resolution, CBT, DBT and EMDR. It all works together to treat the whole person. If holistic therapy appeals to you, look for facilities that offer it and ask about it before you begin any in-depth enrollment process. There will be more information about alternative and holistic therapy below.
Need Further Assistance?
Whether you’re calling for yourself or a friend or loved one, our knowledgeable, compassionate counselors are here to help you and answer your questions 24 hours a day. Our number is 302-842-2390, and your call is confidential. We have lots of information for you about mental health treatment and resources to help you find a great facility near you.