Drug addiction is a problem that has taken hold of millions of Americans. It doesn’t distinguish between race, age, or social status. Close to 70% of men and women who are dealing with a substance abuse problem go to work on a regular basis. The highest paid professional at a law firm could have a drug problem just as easily as a homeless man on the streets.
Wrenching free from addiction is never an easy task. However, a reputable rehab center is definitely a step in the right direction. You may be wondering how rehab works, however. If you have been hiding your addiction for a long time, then you are likely reluctant to talk about it. Rehab does seem like the best choice, but you have some important questions before you commit to a stay in one. Can you opt out of a group therapy at a typical rehab in DE?
While it may be possible to opt out, there are many reasons why you won’t want to. Read on to learn about the pros of group therapy.
What a normal stay in rehab is like
It’s understandable that you may be worried about what happens in rehab and what you will be asked to participate in. Before we get into group therapy, you should be aware of what will happen when you decide to commit to rehab. You’ll be provided with a medically supervised detox that will help your body safely come off of the substances you have been using. This is the first part of rehab, as many people come in while they are still using.
Once the substances have been cleansed from your body, the real healing begins. Anyone who has gone through rehab will tell you just how important it is to participate in therapy. Rehab is typically made up of three different types of therapy sessions- private or one-on-one, group, and family. Most therapists will ask that you attend all three during your stay.
Why is group therapy so important?
There are many reasons why group therapy sessions are an important part of rehab. Some of the wonderful advantages of group sessions can include the following:
• You will see that you are not alone in your struggles and problems. Drug and alcohol addiction can be lonely- a group will show you that you have support.
• You can give AND receive support during a group session. Giving support helps you grow and learn while receiving it is therapeutic.
• You’ll develop self-awareness when you listen to other people with similar problems.
• If you are hesitant to speak and open up, group therapy can give you the safety net that you need to get over that hesitation.
• You’ll see different points of view from others who have similar situations.
Group therapy after completion of rehab
Another major perk of group therapy in rehab is that it sets you up for what happens when you complete the program and leave rehab. For example, you may be sent to a halfway house during the transition from rehab to real life. Many halfway homes have group therapy sessions in the home that you will be expected to attend. Additionally, you could also choose to go to AA or NA after your treatment is over. Learning how to function in a group setting will make this transition much easier.
Can I opt out of group therapy?
Of course, you may feel that group therapy is still simply not for you. You’re wondering if you can go through rehab without participating. The answer will depend on the rehab you choose and their policies. If this is such a big concern, make sure you bring it up before you sign on. Group therapy may be a required part of the program. Talk to the therapists and counselors about your concerns. They will be able to tell you what your options are.
Remember, it is also very important to keep an open mind about therapy. Sure, public speaking is not for everyone. You may not want the attention that speaking in a group setting brings on you. But once you are fully immersed in the program and have made friends, you may very likely find yourself opening up to people regularly. Group therapy is a very important part of rehab, so be sure to keep your mind open to all of the possibilities.
Ready for Rehab? We’re Here to Help!
Let us answer any questions you have to put your mind at ease. Give us a call today at 302-842-2390 to find out more.