Thinking about rehab from every angle gives you a realistic understanding of what will happen once you enter a treatment program. While many people go to rehab thinking that life will be full of sunshine and butterflies, the truth is that addiction doesn’t magically go away once you walk through the doors. The reality is that going to rehab is much like any other major endeavor. You’ll essentially get out of your treatment program as much as you put into following the recommendations of your care team. Asking can you relapse at a West Palm Beach rehab center shows that you are serious about getting sober. While there is a potential for relapsing in treatment, it is important to remember that this chance is very small. You also have multiple ways to make sure that a relapse doesn’t happen.
When a person relapses early in treatment, it is usually because they don’t have the right level of support. Most drug and alcohol addictions will generate some degree of withdrawal symptoms that can cause you to feel physically and mentally uncomfortable. Trying to go through the detox process at home is difficult because you may find those symptoms to be so overwhelming that you’ll pick up drugs or alcohol again to make them stop. The other reason why people tend to relapse at home is because they are still surrounded by the same negative influences that encourage their addiction. Going to rehab offers effective solutions for overcoming the most common reasons for having a relapse.
How Does a West Palm Beach Rehab Protect Against Relapse?
Rehabs in West Palm Beach are set up to be drug and alcohol-free zones. This rule applies to both inpatient and outpatient programs, and the staff takes upholding this very seriously. You’ll find that the people who are enrolled in the program will also avoid bringing drugs and alcohol to the center because they are there to get sober. The staff at your rehab always values personal privacy. However, they will screen people’s bags and purses along with other personal items to make sure that drugs and alcohol do not make it on the premises. Being able to recover in an environment where you couldn’t get your hands on drugs or alcohol if you tried helps you to avoid relapsing during a rough moment.
Florida rehab programs take the additional step of making sure that there aren’t any gaps in your treatment. Some people require medical detox or may be coming to rehab from a hospital if they had an overdose. In these cases, the rehab center will offer options to immediately enter the program without you having to spend large amounts of time alone when you might be tempted to veer from sobriety.
What Happens If You Relapse During Addiction Treatment?
The best way to avoid relapsing during your addiction treatment is to reach out at the first sign that you are struggling with sobriety. Watch for these signs of an impending relapse so that you can work with your support team to prevent it from happening.
•Feeling overwhelmed by your withdrawal symptoms
•Having contact with someone that you used drugs or alcohol with
•Finding out someone managed to sneak drugs into your treatment center
•Thinking that sobriety is too hard or not worth the trouble
Fortunately, it is rare to experience these signs of an impending relapse when you are in a strong treatment program. If you do, it is important to remember that no one will judge you for reaching out. Your treatment team prefers to help you avoid allowing your cravings to go too far. If you do have a relapse during your addiction treatment, then what happens next depends upon factors such as your ability to get back on track and the policies of the center. Typically, every effort is made to help you regain your sobriety.
How Do You Avoid Relapsing After You Get Home?
You are more likely to relapse when you are away from the rehab center since leaving those drug-free walls exposes you to temptation in your day-to-day life. The most effective way to avoid relapsing when you are at home is to take your treatment seriously. Paying attention during your counseling sessions and participating in each one helps you to learn the strategies that you’ll need at home to continue your sobriety. Keep in mind that you’ll also have an after care plan to follow. Continuing to attend after care therapy helps you to stay strong when temptation comes your way.
Are you ready to be in a place that supports your decision to get sober? We can help you find a drug and alcohol-free place to start your recovery. Call now at 772-266-5320.