Recovery is a personal journey, yes. However, it is not an easy process that you can do all on your own. You will need guidance and support from professionals who have the qualifications to help you overcome your addiction and make it through those terrible withdrawal symptoms, which can be the hardest part of detoxing. To get rid of addiction for good, you’ll need a medical detox program for a helping hand during this painful time and then follow up with intensive mental health counseling or groups. Rehab centers are designed to give you the help you deserve and put you on a path to becoming clean, sober and staying that way. These are some of the things that indicate rehab worked for you.
No Relapse
When you leave a rehab center, it is a sign that you can stay clean for the long haul. Withdrawal symptoms can be incredibly painful, as well as sneaky. These symptoms include cravings, panic attacks and shakes, which aren’t pleasant at all. You will be tempted to use again, but you must fight the cravings. Having no relapse after leaving rehab speaks volumes to your addiction recovery success.
Making Better Decisions
Before going to rehab, you probably made bad decisions that led to ingesting drugs or alcohol. You may have even made a decision in your addiction that led to an overdose or other serious consequences or injuries that you could have avoided if you had gone to rehab and gotten the treatment you needed instead of prolonging your suffering. Making better decisions after leaving rehab means you are making better decisions for yourself and not dragging others down with you, which indicates that it was the right choice for you.
Healthy Eating Habits
Addicts gain weight to feel full, often followed by cravings for more. You will eat what the doctors recommend when in a treatment center for your body type. It will help keep you satisfied and detox with less worry about overeating, which means that you don’t get hungry and crave foods that may end up causing problems instead of solving them. After rehab, when you follow a diet plan that benefits your body, it’ll clearly indicate that rehab worked for you.
Keeping Your Job
An addiction to drugs and alcohol, especially prescription drugs, can cause you to lose your job. It can cause you to feel like a failure and lose yourself. It can also mean you will likely relapse because of the stress in your life. Success shows that a rehab program worked for you because not only are you keeping your job, but it’s obvious that the productivity from before addiction hasn’t been affected by recovery.
Good Mental Health
Many reasons indicate rehab worked for you. The foremost reason is if you have great mental health. Good mental health means being free of mental illness and depression, indicating that a treatment program has helped you. People see treatment results and will know they can by looking at your progress.
Healthy Relationships
If you have good relationships with family and friends, then it shows that you were helped in rehab. People in your life will notice this too and know it is possible for them to help get clean. You won’t keep your distance from loved ones because the pain of withdrawal symptoms or being embarrassed about what happened in the past is no longer your problem to deal with.
Financial Freedom
After rehab, you will feel the freedom to be the boss of your life in all areas, including finance. You will no longer need to rely on others or get help from them when you want or need something, which was likely a big part of your addiction. Being able to solve financial problems on your own means you are more in control mentally and emotionally as well, which is another reason that it is a sign that rehab worked for you.
In conclusion, it is important to remember that recovery is a personal journey, but having help from professionals in a treatment center can make that process a little easier and less painful. The best indicator of success is whether or not you have relapsed, as well as making better decisions, keeping your job and financial freedom. To get help finding a reliable rehab center, call 772-266-5320.