Sadly, there are times when addiction sufferers just refuse to recognize they have a problem. It matters very little that certain aspects of their lives are falling all around them. They just don’t seem to get the gravity of what they are doing to themselves and the people around them.
For better or worse, there might come a time when loved ones have to step in and do something to help the addiction sufferer. One common method for bringing reality to the addiction sufferer’s doorstep in called an intervention.
The following information is going to discuss addiction interventions and how you might go about finding a drug intervention program that will work in your situation. The discussion will be broken down into two sections: the informal intervention and the formal intervention program.
The Informal Intervention
The informal invention is the one one you have most likely seen on TV. It is characterized by a group of family members and friends who come together to confront the addiction sufferer. It’s usually done in an informal setting with very few rules.
While this might not always be the most effective option, it does work if handled properly. The problem is the folks who decide to organize informal interventions don’t always know how to proceed. If you are contemplating an informal intervention for a loved one or friend, here’s few tips you might want to consider:
- Do not be accusatory
- Try to organize the intervention and ask participants to prepare
- Be firm but supportive about the notion your loved one needs help
- Try to keep the conversation positive
- Prepare a list of potential drug rehabs that might meet the addiction sufferer’s circumstances
Finally, you should hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. It’s very possible your loved one will get upset and rebuke all your efforts to help. If an informal intervention doesn’t work, you might want to consider a formal intervention program.
The Formal Intervention Program
A formal intervention program is one that is organized and run by a professional interventionist. This type of intervention program has a higher degree of success because it involves a third-party who has no vested interest in the outcome of the intervention. Their job is to simply run the intervention and help convince the addiction sufferer they need help. The real value of enlisting the services of a professional is they can focus on organizing the intervention and keeping it on tract without getting emotional about the proceedings.
If you are contemplating going in this direction, there are some guidelines you can use to find the best formal intervention program near you. The guidelines include:
- Finding an intervention leader with good credentials
- Finding a program that addresses your specific circumstances
- Seeking recommendations
Finding an Intervention Leader with Good Credentials
A qualified interventionist could be a drug treatment specialist, a psychologist or someone who has formal intervention training. You are within your rights to seek the individual with the best possible credentials. If you are unfamiliar with the concept on an interventionist, you might try reaching out to the Association of Intervention Specialists (AIS). They can point you towards professionals who carry interventionist certification: BRI I and BRI II with the latter being the most experienced in the field.
Addressing Specific Circumstances
If you or the addiction sufferer have special circumstances worthy of consideration, you should establish your criteria up front. It could be that you need to find a program in close proximity to home or a program that services clients with very specific criteria. Examples of such criteria might include clients who would be sensitive to religious or sexual orientation issues.
Seeking Recommendation
If you want help with the selection process, you might seek recommendations from people who are familiar with the formal intervention process. You might find good recommendations from people sitting in AA/NA meetings, people who have worked directly with a good interventionist. You should also be able to secure recommendations from some of the local drug and alcohol rehab centers. They might have someone on staff who runs formal intervention programs.
You are to be admired for the concern you show for your loved one. If contact us at 772-266-5320, we might be able to help you find the right intervention program. We could also take a moment to tell you about our addiction treatment services.