Are you ready to overcome the drug or alcohol addiction that has brought you down over the past few months, years, or even decades? You may be tired of the money spent, the lies told, the minutes lost, and the relationships broken. It’s time to get back to the person you once were before you started using substances to numb the pain.
Maybe you have the rehab center all picked out and your ducks in a row. It’s time to take the plunge and give up your addiction once and for all. You know that you will be going through detox to cleanse your body from everything you have poisoned it with. But, how do you cleanse your mind at the same time? How do you get back in touch with who you are during drug recovery programs?
The answer isn’t one-size-fits-all. However, just the fact that you are in rehab is the first step to getting to know your former self.
Detox your body from the chemicals
Once you start abusing certain drugs, whether illegal or prescription, changes are made in your brain. You’ll have an intense desire to use and cravings that only your drug of choice seem to satisfy. You have probably realized that you are a different person when you use drugs or drink alcohol. It may even be why you started using in the first place! Detoxing in a safe, reputable rehab center will make a world of difference to both your mind and your body. Once you no longer have those substances in your body, you will begin to recognize more and more the person you once were. You’ll remember how you felt before you needed drugs or alcohol to feel good, and you will love the feeling it brings.
Dealing with a dual diagnosis
During the intake process, you will be asked about any mental disorders you may have. Tell your therapist about your problems, such as PTSD, generalized anxiety, depression, OCD, or anything else you have been diagnosed with. A dual diagnosis is when your therapist addresses a mental health disorder separately from your drug or alcohol addiction. Some underlying mental health issues can exacerbate an addiction, so talking about it during therapy is important.
Once you start therapy in rehab, you and your therapist will have many private sessions concerning your mental health challenges. Talking about your concerns will help you get to the root of your problem and addiction. Your therapist will help you see who you are clearly and why your addiction came about.
Group therapy will also be a big part of recovery. Participating in a group setting will allow you to take a look at yourself through the eyes of others. You may not want to admit how you act and feel, but seeing the same problems in others will make a difference in how you look at yourself.
How to prepare for change during the recovery process
You may still be struggling with your addiction. You know it is terrible for you, but your brain still wants the comfort of your chosen substance or substances. It will help to follow these five keys to recovery when you are struggling:
• Consider what worked in the past when it came to recovery
• Remember all of the reasons you want to change
• Think about the person you were before you started using
• Ask family and friends for support during the recovery process
• Commit to therapy
Make sure you take plenty of time for yourself.
A stay in rehab will turn your life upside-down in a good way. You’ll come out of rehab a changed individual, ready to take on the world. However, your journey really has just started. You will want to continue finding yourself on a daily basis. You may consider additional therapy sessions, group therapy, and local NA or AA meetings.
Holistic therapies may also help when you are trying to get back to who you were in recovery. Consider the following:
• Yoga
• Meditation
• Massage
• Acupuncture
Remember, take as much time for yourself as you need. You put your body and mind through a lot! It’s time to take care of yourself as you learn how to live without drugs or alcohol in your life.
Ready for the big change? We are ready to help!
We know how hard it is to go through recovery on your own, and we don’t recommend it. Let us help. Call today at 772-266-5320 to find out what we are all about.