Some people view going to rehab as a joke. Your loved one might have agreed to go to rehab under pressure if they are attending court-mandated treatment or were threatened with divorce or losing their kids. Or, they may just feel like it gave them a place to stay for a while after being kicked out of their house. It is also possible that your loved one started out with good intentions regarding getting sober but changed their mind once they entered a program that they just don’t like. Figuring out how to convince someone to take rehab seriously often requires doing a little detective work to determine why they are acting like they just don’t care. While this may take a little time, knowing where they are coming from can help you to determine what to do next to help them take sobriety seriously.
Addiction treatment is always more effective when the person buys in to what they are learning in their therapy sessions. Someone who views rehab as a joke may check out and ignore what other people are talking about, or they may even be disruptive to group therapy sessions. Your loved one’s rebellion can hold them back from getting the most out of valuable services such as cognitive behavioral therapy and family counseling. If you can get them to open up to you, then you may just figure out what it will take to finally break through their reservations about learning everything they can in rehab about their addiction.
Talk to Them About the Importance of Addiction Treatment
You can start helping your loved one to see the light by asking them questions about their experience with addiction treatment. If they mention that it is boring or uncomfortable, then you can highlight the benefits of sticking it out for now. By taking rehab seriously, your loved one can enjoy these benefits that could help them to understand how important it is to get sober.
- Avoid developing chronic health problems from substance misuse
- Be a good example to their children
- Stay out of jail and avoid other legal troubles
- Rebuild their financial standing
- Get or maintain a stable career
- Have stronger, more caring relationships
Help Them Find a Rehab That Is a Good Fit
Your loved one’s lack of seriousness may mean that they aren’t getting what they need out of their current rehab. Although it is best to stick with a treatment plan, it is possible to change to a new rehab if the one your loved one attends doesn’t work for them. Ask your loved one if there are things that are happening in their current rehab program that they don’t like. Do they feel like the staff isn’t attentive? Or, are they not receiving the counseling services that they were told they would? Most programs stick to their defined plans, but occasionally a program may not follow what they promise. In this case, your loved one might need to look for a trusted rehab that has a proven track record of success.
If your loved one turns your attempts at getting them into rehab into a joke, then you can make it more real by providing them with concrete suggestions regarding where they can go. Diverting their attempts at humor with real facts about how a specific program works keeps the conversation on a more serious tone. Once you identify a program that you think is a good fit, share the services that you think they’ll enjoy. Many rehabs offer recreational activities that help to eliminate boredom by keeping people challenged. Your loved one may also be more likely to take a program seriously if it offers options for treatment that fit their lifestyle such as outpatient treatment and follow up care.
Offer Support Throughout The Treatment Process
As frustrating as it is to see your loved one making rehab seem like a joke, they still benefit from knowing that you believe in their ability to get sober. Keep being an active part of their life. Ask them if they want you to visit them in rehab or make regular phone calls. Then, let them know that you’ll assist them with anything they need when they get home as long as they stay sober. Seeing you take a genuine interest in their sobriety can help them to understand that them taking rehab seriously affects the people that care about them the most.
Does your loved one need a rehab program that they’ll take seriously? Give us a call today at 302-842-2390 to learn more about effective treatment options for people who are hesitant to accept the need for help.