Addiction treatment blends knowledge from scientific research with compassionate care that makes it easier to get through this major transition in your life. When you first reach out to a treatment program, you might not even be sure if you need professional help with addiction. Or, you might be wondering if you have more issues to deal with than just using drugs. Assessments and evaluations are powerful tools that your treatment team will use to help get to the root of your addiction. Although every program is different, you can generally expect to undergo these five evaluations at an addiction treatment center in Wilmington.
Make Sure You’re a Good Candidate With a First Contact Prescreening
Your first evaluation typically occurs when you first reach out for help. A prescreening can be done over the phone or when you walk into a treatment center. During a prescreening, a member of the early treatment team will ask you a few questions. These typically include questions that pertain to these subjects:
•basic personal information such as your name, age and general location
•whether you have a past history of treatment
•your main reason for reaching out for help
•if you have a risk for self-harm
•health insurance and other financial information
Keep in mind that all of your answers to these questions are kept confidential. They are only used by your screener to make sure that you enter a treatment program that meets your needs. These questions might also determine whether or not you need immediate treatment or have time to make plans to go to the program.
Start Recovering With a Physical Health Evaluation
A medical evaluation is usually necessary for anyone who enters a residential program. This is especially important if you are addicted to a substance that is known for causing serious withdrawal symptoms. This evaluation is a lot like physicals that you have probably had with your regular doctor in the past. The team will check your vital signs and learn more about your medical history. In some cases, special tests are ordered. For example, some people may have a complete blood panel done that helps to make sure that you get the right types of treatment.
Learn About Your Addiction With a Clinical Drug and Alcohol Assessment
The best addiction treatment is targeted to meet your personal needs. Addiction counselors use several different types of assessments to find out more about your drug and alcohol use. They may ask you to list the specific drugs that you use regularly and the amounts that you take. These assessments will also ask about your experiences such as whether or not you’ve ever had blackouts or if others in your life express concern about your habits. These assessments make it possible for your counselor to determine the extent of your addiction.
Identify Coexisting Mental Health Disorders With a Psychiatric Evaluation
A psychiatric evaluation is another important part of your treatment. Coexisting mental health issues are common when someone is dealing with an addiction. This evaluation can help to determine if you have depression, anxiety or PTSD. You can also find out if you have other disorders such as OCD. Once you find out if you have a mental health disorder, you can begin to receive treatment for the condition that helps you manage your symptoms. Getting treatment for coexisting disorders helps you to stop self-medicating your symptoms with drugs of alcohol. In an addiction treatment center, your counselor will provide you with therapy that includes learning ways to manage your symptoms naturally through. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness training and recreational activities are a few ways that you’ll start learning how to improve your mental health.
Make Sure You Are Prepared for Going Home With a Pre-Exit Assessment
Towards the end of your treatment, your counselor will perform one final assessment to make sure that you are fully prepared to return home. This assessment will track your progress regarding how you manage your cravings. It might also ask questions about your goals and support network at home. The findings from this evaluation will help your counselor make sure that you set up the appropriate types of aftercare such as attending group therapy on an outpatient basis.
Are you ready to start getting answers to your questions about addiction? Give us a call at 302-842-2390. We’ll help you find a treatment center that makes it possible to get sober.