When someone with a drug or alcohol addiction finally reaches the end of their rope, they have to make a couple of all important decisions. What are those decisions? Whether or not to admit they have an addiction illness and when reach out their hand for help. These are mighty big steps to take for anyone who has been suffering with an addiction for any material length of time. Still, it’s a step that has to be made.
For anyone who finds the strength to take these steps, there will be other decisions that need to be made. Among that group of decisions will be one related to where to get treatment. The best treatment decision anyone could possibly make is to where find a treatment program that addresses their specific needs. Here’s a list of different types of rehabs available all over the US:
- General rehab programs
- Substance specific rehab programs
- Gender specific rehabs
- Holistic rehabs
While each of these options offer certain benefits, it really comes down to that which a particular client wants or needs. Because of the limited amount of treatment resources a particular rehab might have at its disposal, most rehab centers focus on treating a general population of clients. That doesn’t mean more specific options aren’t available.
If you are suffering from alcoholism, you might have an interest in getting treatment from a rehab center that focuses solely on that addiction. To help you understand why that might be the right decision for you, the following information represents some of the benefits you could expect to get from a alcohol addiction specific rehab.
What Are Some Potential Benefits of Attending a Alcoholism Specific Rehab?
When the administrators in a rehab facility make the decision to focus on one specific kind of substance addiction issue, they usually do so because they believe that’s where the facility’s strengths lie. Right off the bat, a new client in an alcohol specific addiction treatment center can take solace in knowing the facility’s staff is geared towards treating the client’s specific addiction illness.
Of course, there are other benefits clients should derive. First, clients should feel some level of comfort knowing the facility’s other clients are suffering from the exact same addiction disease. People often feel more comfortable around other people with which they have something in common, even if that something is an addiction. Some people also take comfort in knowing they aren’t the only ones who fell victim to alcoholism.
Another benefit comes from the facility’s ability to build a treatment environment geared towards one specific type of client. If everyone in the facility is suffering from alcoholism, all the facility’s literature and group therapy sessions can be directed in that direction. It’s also easier to build nutrition and exercise programs to address the needs of people who are used to surviving off booze.
Perhaps the greatest benefit comes when clients gathering together for the aforementioned group therapy sessions. It’s important to remember that one of the primary reason rehabs use group therapy as a standard part of any treatment program is because it exposes clients to people who have this major thing in common. If group therapy goes well, clients will use this common affliction as the basis for building lasting friendships and support resources.
To better understand the importance of support resources after treatment, one only has to understand that a lot of clients will have to say goodbye to drinking buddies after leaving treatment. If someone has been living in the world of alcoholism for any significant amount of time, there’s a good chance all their friends are either drinkers or enablers. They can’t stay in recovery if that’s their friend base. Any support resources forged during treatment might well end up being the only reliable resources someone in recovery has as they try to navigate their new life without drinking. At least they can lean on each other, knowing full well exactly what each other is experiencing.
First and foremost, we want you to know you can get past your drinking problems. It’s going to take a bit of work, but it’s worth the effort. For our part, we can bring you in to our facility and offer you a full slate of addiction treatment services. If you would feel more comfortable being treated is a program designed specifically for alcoholics, we would be happy to discuss that option with you. Please call our facility at 772-266-5320.