You’re probably feeling pretty great about your decision to enter into rehab. After all, it has likely been a terrible struggle for you, especially if you have been dealing with substance abuse issues for many years now. It’s time to take care of your mental and physical health, and you know that rehab is the best way to do so.
However, you still have concerns about what will happen. You have dealt with suicidal thoughts in the past by using different substances to numb them until you felt better. You obviously can’t do that while in rehab, so what exactly will you do? You’re asking yourself, what if I have suicidal thoughts without substances to numb them? Read on to learn more about your upcoming stay.
Symptoms of Suicidal Thoughts
You may or may not be aware that you are having suicidal thoughts. If you are, you may turn to drugs or alcohol to quiet the bad voice in your head that is telling you to harm yourself. Read on for some common symptoms of suicidal thoughts:
• Buying or obtaining items that could be used to end your life, such as bottles of pills or a gun
• Feeling completely trapped or hopeless in life
• Talking and thinking about suicide on a continuous basis and wishing you were dead more and more
• Dealing with erratic mood swings, such as being deeply upset one day and extremely happy the next
• Wanting to be left alone all the time
• Engaging in risky activities, such as driving under the influence or drug use
• Giving away your possessions when there is no reason to do so
• Talking to people and telling them goodbye as if you won’t be seeing them again
• Being preoccupied with dying or death
• Changing your sleeping or eating patterns drastically
The warning signs of suicide are not always obvious. They will also vary from one individual to another. Some people keep their thoughts very secret, while others make them very clear.
What Will Happen in Recovery?
If you are worried about having suicidal thoughts while you are in rehab, let us put your mind at ease. You’ll want to make sure, from the start, that your counselors, doctors, and therapists know your past history. Tell them about your past suicidal thoughts and any attempts you have ever made on your life. This will allow them to put together a plan specifically for you.
If you begin to feel suicidal while you are in rehab, immediately reach out to your therapist or doctor. They will be able to talk with you about your next step and come up with a course of action that is right for you. Remember-you are not alone! You should never be scared or embarrassed to talk about your suicidal thoughts while you are in rehab.
Therapy in Rehab
If you are having suicidal thoughts, you more than likely are suffering from some type of mental disorder. You’ll be admitted to rehab with a dual diagnosis, meaning your mental health issue will be treated separately from your substance abuse disorder. You can expect to attend different therapy sessions, such as private therapy and group therapy. During your one-on-one sessions, you’ll have the chance to open up and talk freely concerning your mental health. Your counselor will discuss your suicidal thoughts and tendencies with you and how you can live with them without the use of drugs or alcohol.
Group therapy will also help you deal with any suicidal thoughts. You’ll get the chance to talk with others who have been suffering from the same thoughts as you. Group therapy allows you to see that you aren’t alone in your feelings of doubt, self-hatred, and worthlessness. Because you are not alone, and you aren’t any of those things!
Aftercare Services
Your therapist will help you set up aftercare services for yourself once you leave rehab. Whether you move into a halfway house or back home, you will need to have an outlet for your concerns. A halfway house usually holds their own group meetings that you will be required to attend. If you go home, your therapist can help you find local groups, such as NA or AA, that can help keep you sober when you are feeling your lowest.
Give us a ring today to find out more
We are ready to help you find the path to sobriety. Call us at 772-266-5320 today to learn what we can do for you.