When entering into substance abuse rehab, many people make the decision to separate from family members, friends, and all other social connections throughout the duration of their treatments. With inpatient rehab, this is done to ensure that clients have the opportunity to focus exclusively on getting well, and that their recoveries aren’t being derailed by toxic relationships and the many triggers that these connections present. When people are married or living together, however, receiving drug or alcohol treatment at the same time can actually be beneficial. This ensures that both individuals gain the skills they need for achieving sobriety and maintaining it long-term. When each partner completes a treatment plan, both can continue offering mutual support after their rehab has ended. As such, there are a number of substance abuse rehabs that accept couples. These programs offer all of the same treatments and therapies that are supplied by traditional rehabs, but they additionally offer support services and other solutions that are specific to couples. There are both inpatient and outpatient rehab services that cater to couples. With inpatient rehab, both partners commit to living on-campus for a period of approximately one to six months. With outpatient services, couples can continue living at home together, but must attend on-campus meetings, workshops, and other events. Several important factors play a role in determining which treatment type is best for individual couples. Among these are:
- Whether or not either party has tried and failed in recovery before
- The length of time spent using drugs
- The amount of drugs being used
- Whether or not couples are using substances that are considered highly addicting
When people’s drug or alcohol addictions are considered severe, the more structured format of inpatient treatment is often recommended. Outpatient rehab generally works best for those who have been using substances for relatively short periods of time, and who are not using highly addictive substances such as heroine or other opioids. Irrespective of the treatment type chosen, research has shown that couples who complete substance abuse rehab together have far higher rates of long-term abstinence than those who do not. They also report higher levels of happiness in their relationships, and display better functioning within family units overall. Couples rehab services can be especially beneficial when minor children are involved. When both partners receive help for their addictions, both become equally prepared for providing stable, safe, and ultimately loving homes.
Services Offered in Substance Abuse Rehabs for Couples
Although couples can attend substance abuse rehabs together, this does not mean that their treatments will be identical or that the exact same services will be received. One of the most important steps in treating addiction is identifying its underlying cause. Some people turn to drugs or alcohol in an effort to self-medicate. These individuals often have mental health issues that have yet to be diagnosed and properly treated. Many rehab centers offer dual diagnosis treatments or treatments for comorbidity that address both substance use disorder, and any underlying conditions that have ultimately led people to self-medicate. While one partner may have comorbidity as an underlying cause of addiction, the other may have started using substances due to low self-esteem, past trauma, or even genetic predisposition to addiction. In order for rehab to succeed, each partner must have access to individualized and needs-specific care. Each person will take part in private therapy to understand more about the causes of his or her behaviors and choices. Group therapy sessions are also held as well, where couples can talk about both their individual experiences and their shared experiences with addiction and recovery. One element that is unique to substance abuse rehabs for couples is couples therapy. During these sessions, people have the opportunity to identify the different triggers in their relationships that may eventually lead to relapse if not addressed. They also learn improved communication and listening skills, and how to leverage healthy coping strategies. With these services, not only can couples overcome their reliance upon drugs or alcohol, but they can also strengthen their relationships and make them infinitely more fulfilling.
The Benefits Of Behavioral Couples Therapy
Behavioral couples therapy or (BCT) is a key component of substance abuse rehabs for couples. This is designed to teach both partners techniques for behavioral modification so that arguments and other triggers are eliminated. Couples usually meet once or twice weekly with therapists to work on establishing “recovery contracts”. These are agreements that include promises to leverage new and improved coping skills, communication skills, and general support strategies. Couples also make a commitment to holding one another accountable for their continued abstinence with each person clearly stating their intentions to not drink or use drugs going forward. If you and your partner are ready to commit to achieving sobriety and wellness together and are seeking the right rehab program for your needs, we can help. Call us today at 772-266-5320