Going to Intensive Outpatient after Residential treatment is often the first step in getting back on track. Some people find it necessary to do so because they may need a place to stay overnight or for a few days while they get their affairs in order or get things like jobs, medical care and legal documents squared away.
Some people do Intensive Outpatient after residential treatment because they are not ready to return to their daily lives or because they need to continue in a structured setting that the Residential Treatment program provided. In this article, we will go through various reasons why one should to intensive outpatient after a residential program.
Reasons Why One Should Go To Intensive Outpatient After Residential
It Gets You Back Into the Real World
At some point, you will have to leave the security of a residential program, whether it is after an overnight stay or after a few weeks. Going to Intensive Outpatient is often the first step in getting back into your real life. Waking up in your own bed, surrounded by your own things, helps you to realize that you are back and that everything is going to be OK. No longer are you surrounded by staff members who are among the main influences in your life at this time. It is good to be back among your belongings, people and surroundings that you have missed while in treatment. This can help you to start gaining an appreciation for things that you may never realize that you missed.
It Helps You to Become a Back-to-Basics Person
People often have difficulty adjusting from treatment. Going to Intensive Outpatient allows people the time and space to adjust to their daily lives. This is often a time for them to get back on track suitably back in their treatment program. Some people even find it easier to continue with their traditional residential treatment programs, though most are more suited to an Intensive Outpatient program.
You Can Continue Your Treatment Program Without Feeling Exposed
Some people find it hard to be away from the residential program. This is especially true for individuals who have been severely or critically ill, or who have come back from a hospital stay. Having an Intensive Outpatient program allows them to continue their treatment at a safe location that they feel more comfortable in. Those who think they may want to continue their residential treatment program but are scared by the thought of leaving a comfortable setting may benefit from this option.
You can Begin Your Recovery
Many people find that it has already been going on for some time when they begin their treatment program. Spending a period of time living in the real world, being around familiar people and returning to daily life allows them to start recovery and continue progress in their treatment program. Someone who was not ready to leave their residential program at the end of their treatment may find it quite difficult or impossible to continue without this transitional stage.
It Allows People to Re-establish a Strong Connection to the Daily Routine
While in the residential setting, people can sometimes forget what it’s like to be around friends and family members who aren’t involved with treatment. Going to Intensive Outpatient helps people re-adjust themselves back into their daily lives without feeling overwhelmed or confused by what is happening around them. Being safely in an Intensive Outpatient program allows people to focus on rebuilding their connection with normal life and those around them who are not involved in treatment programs.
It Helps to Prepare You for a Return to Daily Life
One of the main purposes of Intensive Outpatient programs is to prepare people for a return to their daily lives. Some people take longer than others at treatment programs, and going to Intensive Outpatient is the first step in helping someone find their way back home or into a sustainable living situation. This helps with re-establishing treatment relationships and bringing people closer together so they can rebuild their family relationships and friendships after leaving treatment. In conclusion, Intensive Outpatient programs are often helpful for people who have difficulty leaving a residential treatment program.
They help people get back into their daily lives, feel as though they are safe from the effects of withdrawal and can even help them to prepare for a return to normal life. Going to Intensive Outpatient allows treatment programs and staff to adjust after being with someone for so long. If you need help finding an intensive outpatient program, contact us at 772-266-5320.