How To Stop My Father from Drinking Alcohol?

Are you concerned that your father has a drinking problem? Then you should start by looking into the signs of alcoholism. If you notice your father has become an addict, try to approach them while looking into some suitable treatment options that will suit them most, depending on their condition.

Always keep in mind that if your father is an alcoholic, it’s not your fault. Instead, you should try to help them, and eventually, they won’t have to battle alcohol addiction.

Some of the questions you need to ask yourself include:

  • Does your father try to quit alcohol and end up failing?
  • Does your father consume large amounts of alcohol over a prolonged period?
  • Does your father have a strong urge to drink?
  • How much time does your father spend drinking?

The answers to each of these questions will offer subtle guidance on how you will handle the matter.

How Do You Approach Your Father If They Have a Drinking Issue?

It was considered advisable to confront your father if they are dealing with an alcohol addiction issue in the past. Over the years, it has become evident that some of these techniques are counterproductive, and it will be hard for your father to acknowledge they have an addiction issue. When you confront someone with an addiction issue, they will start by becoming defensive.

You can utilize an approach that will ensure you understand how you should talk to an alcoholic in a manner that’s not judgmental. Ensure the approach you’ll use is also non-threatening. The main focus is on ensuring you have good communication skills as you approach someone who has an alcohol addiction issue.

Some of the talking tips you should consider include:

  • Speak in a gentle, kind, and sympathetic manner. Your father will realize that you’re genuinely concerned, and they’ll respond positively.
  • Try to catch them while they’re trying to quit drinking. It means they have acknowledged they have a drinking problem and are ready to fix the issue.
  • Ensure you have a one-on-one conversation with your father. The process is less intimidating as compared to when people come together to intervene. Look for a time when you’ll be alone together while ensuring there won’t be any interruptions and distractions.
  • When you become frustrated because of your father’s alcoholism, you should always remind yourself about their positive traits. By doing so, you can handle the matter amicably without any hitches.

How Can You Support Your Father?

If your father has opted to enter into a recovery program, there are some things to consider if you want to help them. Some of the tips to consider include:

  • Prioritize self-care. You can attend meetings meant for people who are dealing with another person’s drinking issue. You can share your experiences among yourselves. Also, you can get to learn more about how you can cope with difficult situations. Additionally, take time to enjoy some of the activities you like while also getting enough rest.
  • Use encouraging and loving statements. Such statements will ensure your parents feel confident, and they will focus on becoming sober.
  • Support your father as they look into different treatment programs. You can also attend the therapy sessions alongside them such that they’ll feel they’re getting the support they need.

What Should You Avoid?

Some of the things you should avoid when dealing with a father who is an alcoholic include:

  • Never argue with them. If your father is drunk, they may fail to remember what you said. During an argument, verbal and physical abuse may also ensue, and your father will become defensive.
  • Never cope with such situations using alcohol. If your father is an alcoholic, you may end up becoming an addict. Ensure you’ve set boundaries and always enforce them.
  • Avoid situations that are emotionally and physically abusive. When you undergo abuse, you should consider leaving and stay with a friend. You can also seek some professional assistance to avoid the trauma that comes about when you experience any form of abuse.

First, you need to acknowledge that your father has a drinking issue. Second, you should look for a suitable way to approach them. If your father has acknowledged they have a drinking problem, it will be easier to assist them. You can opt for group counseling and individual therapy. You can accompany your father as they start their recovery journey such that they’ll feel they’re getting the support they need.

Are you ready to get started? You can reach out to us at 772-266-5320. Our counselors are at your service throughout.

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