Can You Get Kicked Out of Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment?

Contrary to what some people might believe, the least invasive addiction treatment option that delivers a solid recovery is usually the best option. Of course, an outpatient or intensive outpatient treatment program would stand as the least invasive treatment option.

When someone has a significant addiction issue, they best prepare themselves to submit to an inpatient program. A significant addiction problem usually calls for an equally significant treatment program, one that likely includes a detox program. With that said, it’s quite possible that someone with a significant addiction might have certain restrictions that would prevent them from being able to comply with the restrictions related to inpatient care. Some of the viable reasons this might occur would be:

  • Primary responsibility for the care of a child or elderly parent
  • Work or school responsibilities that cannot be set aside
  • Inability to afford the costs related to inpatient care
  • Inability to miss work due to financial obligations
  • Medical conditions that require access to the home environment

Beyond the people who fall into one of the above, there is a group of people whose addiction problems are tailor-made for outpatient treatment. It’s important to remember that being assigned to an outpatient treatment program still carries with it certain responsibilities. What happens if someone has great difficulty during said treatment?

Can You Get Kicked Out of Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment

As stated above, patients still have responsibilities and restriction as they go through an outpatient addiction treatment program. Outpatient is not a synonym for easy and relaxed. The absolute focus still has to be on behavior modification and recovery.It’s really privileged to participate in an outpatient program as opposed to the restrictive nature of an inpatient or partial hospitalization program. Patients are expected to stay sober, attend all scheduled meetings and be there on time, fully participate in all prescribe treatment sessions and make progress. Failure to abide by these standards is problematic.

No one wants to see a patient dismissed from any kind of treatment program. In most cases, a treatment facilities addiction treatment specialists will do anything and everything in their power to keep their patients on the straight and narrow path of recovery. Unfortunately, there are times when dismissing a patient is the only remaining option. Reluctantly, we will discuss some of the reasons why a patient might be dismissed from an outpatient treatment program.

Disruption Within the Facility

Outpatient treatment facilities have patients coming in and out of the facility all day long. When a patient comes in for treatment, they are usually there for a very limited amount of time. In order to treat as many patients as possible, the facility needs to run smoothly, and the counselors need to control the flow of activity going on within the environment.

Some patients simply have trouble with structure. They have difficulty adhering to their responsibilities. They might also have difficulty getting to scheduled meetings on time and might have difficulty focusing on the task at hand, rehabilitation, when they are within the confines of the facility. Any patient who exhibits these problems on a consistent basis can disrupt the entire work-flow of the facility. The treatment facility has an absolute responsibility to make sure all patients get what they need from treatment. If one patient is disruptive, they may be asked to leave for the benefit of the other patients.

Chronic Relapses

Every patient is expected to maintain absolute sobriety. Of course, the facility’s addiction treatment specialists understand it’s a great challenge to kick an addiction. Just the same, staying sober is a basic covenant of treatment. A relapse or two might be tolerated, but chronic relapses will not be tolerated, resulting in the relapsing patient being asked to move into residential treatment or to leave treatment altogether.

Inappropriate Behavior

It should surprise no one that an addiction treatment facility puts strict limitations on behavior, even in an outpatient setting. The strictest standards usually include no sexual contact or aggression, no violence towards others and no threatening behavior towards facility staff.

If you need help with your addiction, we hope you will reach out to us and let us help. Please call us at 772-266-5320. Our pledge to you is we will place you in a treatment program that best suits your needs and addiction profile. What we need from you is your pledge to do the work and abide by the rules.

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Essentials mission is to renew lives impacted by addiction through personalized and complete behavioral healthcare. Our main purpose is to provide services and education to the client and family that will support long lasting recovery of mind, body, and spirit.