The most common co-occurring mental health problem that develops right alongside substance abuse disorders is PTSD. According to studies, about 75% of men and women attending rehab have dealt with abuse or trauma in the past. This means that most rehabs will have to be prepared to treat trauma and personality disorders alongside addiction. By putting together a personalized treatment plan for every patient, Delaware rehabs do their best to treat anyone who has had trauma in the past.
Are you suffering from a trauma-related incident that has possibly caused a personality disorder to surface? Have you been using drugs or alcohol to cope during stressful times? If so, then a Delaware rehab can help. Read on to learn more about trauma, personality disorders, and addiction.
Understanding Trauma
Trauma is the body’s involuntary response to a situation that is distressing, upsetting, and disturbing. Trauma can cause you to have problems coping later on in life and can mess with your ability to regulate your more stressful emotions. It’s important to remember that dealing with a trauma response is not your fault. A reputable treatment program through rehab can help diminish the effects of trauma and the resulting PTSD that many patients end up struggling with.
There are many types of trauma that happen to men, women, and children. These include:
• Emotional and verbal abuse
• Physical abuse
• Military combat
• Sexual abuse
• Sexual violence
• Domestic violence
• Divorce
• The death of a loved one
Treatment for Trauma-Related Incidents
Chemical changes can occur in the brain of a person who is dealing with trauma. In most cases, you will not even realize it is happening. You may not even realize you have witnessed or experienced a traumatic event until months or even years later. There are even studies that suggest that various genes in one’s body may be activated during a traumatic event that may have lain dormant up until this point. These genes may be the ones responsible for developing a mental illness.
Studies have shown that being exposed to traumatic events during both early childhood and adulthood will be a leading risk factor in the development of an addiction to alcohol or drugs. This is because many people who experience the distressing side effects of PTSD end up turning to both legal and illegal substances as a way to cope with their feelings. They use substances to drown their feelings and to forget the past.
A reliable and reputable rehab facility will work closely with you to make sure you are treated for any trauma you have suffered, along with your addiction problem. The two go hand-in-hand and should be treated as such. Don’t be afraid to open up to your counselors and doctors about what you have experienced in the past. It is the only way to begin healing.
Treatment for Personality Disorders
It’s important to be as honest and upfront as you can when you sit down during the intake process of rehab. You’ll speak with counselors and doctors who will put together goals you should work towards during your stay. If you have suffered trauma in the past and are dealing with a personality disorder because of it, you will be given a dual diagnosis. This means you will be treated for your personality disorder alongside your addiction.
Your therapist will likely spend a lot of time talking to you about your personality disorder because it is just as important as your addiction to alcohol or drugs. You’ll learn various coping mechanisms that will help you avoid using drugs and alcohol to mask your feelings. It’s important to take therapy very seriously during your program. Therapy will teach you how to deal with your personality disorder in a more productive way that will help you steer clear of drugs and alcohol.
Aftercare Services
It’s crucial to have an aftercare plan in place. You may do well in a halfway house after your program is over. This gives you more time to work on yourself and attend therapy before you end up back where you started from. You should regularly visit your local AA and NA meetings for additional support. If you have a relapse, consider a longer stay in rehab. With the right help and guidance, you can earn how to put your trauma in the past and live in the now.
Let Us Help
We know how to treat trauma-related personality disorders in our center. Give us a call today to learn more at 302-842-2390.