The first step for an in-patient rehab is to go through detox. Once you’ve gone through the most serious withdrawals and are stable, you will likely be moved to a semi-private room. Do you share rooms in an inpatient drug rehab center? Yes, generally with just one other person.
Generally, these rooms include two twin beds, a closet, a dresser, and a shared bathroom for just the two of you. Because you’ll probably be undergoing medical monitoring and may be receiving medications to reduce your discomfort, you will have little privacy. As a means to an end, these rooms provide you with a quiet space to relax and heal.
The Point Of It All
Detox is a dangerous event and can be incredibly uncomfortable. Once you’ve been through it, you may be afraid to suffer through it again. This fear can functionally be a death sentence; it means a possible relapse could be your last. To that end, a semi-private room in rehab could be an effective way to learn to be comfortable in your own skin and to build community slowly.
Your roommate could provide you with a whole different perspective on the world around you. If you were required to go to rehab by the courts, a roommate who voluntarily entered rehab could help you be more accepting of the process. For those who chose to enter rehab, a roommate who is there under duress could strengthen your resolve and encourage you to find multiple ways to stay sober and clean.
Staying Comfortable
You will be able to bring a few personal items with you into rehab. In addition to toiletries, you can bring a selection of comfortable clothing and weather-appropriate footwear. Additional personal belongings can include reading materials. Be aware that you may have to give up your electronics for a time. Don’t just bring an e-reader and expect to keep it for the first few days. If you have lived with your family or with a spouse, sharing your space with a roommate should not be an issue.
However, if you have lived alone or always had your own room, having someone else in the room with you all the time can be frustrating. Because you will likely be uncomfortable in your own skin anyway, there is a risk that conflicts between you and your roommate can arise.
Finding Privacy
Do your best to create a cocoon of privacy as you settle into your space. When you engage with your roommate, try to fully meet face to face for a real conversation so you can check their emotional situation if you need to discuss something serious. You likely won’t ever see one another again, but being comfortable with strangers and creating connections is a skill that will serve you well post-rehab.
When you and your roommate are not connecting, do your best to create solitude for yourself. If you want to try to meditate, do it while facing a window or the wall. If you want to read, face your chair in the corner so you can limit your exposure to distractions.
Part of the treatment is working well with others and building community, but getting comfortable with yourself is critical to your success. If you can get outside and are able to get in some long walks, do so. Habitual activities like walking can be a great time to do some problem-solving.
If you’re not comfortable sleeping in the same space as a roommate, figure out why. If they snore, as for reassignment or a white noise machine. If you just have to be alone to relax enough to sleep, bring it up in therapy. Developing strong problem-solving skills is critical to a healthy recovery and a successful life. Small stressors can become destructive if you don’t have confidence in your ability to find a better solution. Build that confidence by finding small coping methods.
Connect With Professionals
During treatment, you will likely receive both group and private counseling. If you and your roommate have an issue that you really can’t manage, bring it up in your private counseling. Ready to get started? Our counselors are available 24 hours a day. Call 302-842-2390.