When you make the decision to go into rehab, you’re likely wondering exactly what will happen. There are many questions and worries you likely have that can make the decision one that is hard to make. How will rehab work for you? Should you go to inpatient or outpatient? What happens afterward? These questions are quite common for anyone looking to enter rehab.
However, you may have one question that others haven’t asked about. When you are part of the LGBTQ spectrum, you’re likely even more worried about how rehab will go for you. How do LGBTQ addiction therapy services address LGBTQ-specific issues? Read on to learn more.
LGBTQ Rehab Services
When you are part of the LGBTQ spectrum, as well as an addict, you may be wondering what rehab center to go to. Luckily, many rehabs offer specific services for you that address your special needs. It can be difficult to decide what rehab to go to, but you will benefit from one that offers you special services for your LGBTQ-related issues.
Before you decide on a rehab, do your research. Find a center that is well-versed with the problems the LGBTQ community faces before making your choice. Don’t be afraid to talk to others who have been in rehab before. Ask to speak to a representative of the rehab. Make sure they understand your specific needs and have the therapists and counselors on board who can help you during your stay.
Addressing the Issues of the LGBTQ Community
When you are part of the LGBTQ community and also an addict, your therapist will make sure to talk with you about your dual diagnosis. You may be suffering from some sort of mental health issues, especially if you have had problems concerning your identity in the past. For example, many addicts who are part of the community have been abandoned, disowned, or kicked out of their homes as young teenagers after coming out to their parents. Others have been harassed and persecuted for their sexual orientation. This community can be a tough one to live in, so you need to make sure your counselor understands your past trauma.
A dual diagnosis means that your therapist will talk with you about your addiction issues as well as your mental health issues. They will address them separately to understand why one can aggravate the other. You’ll have the chance to open and up and speak with caring therapists who understand what you are going through as part of this community.
Therapy Options in Rehab
You will also talk to others in group therapy sessions while you are in rehab. Group therapy with those in your community will allow you to speak with others who are dealing with the same problems. You’ll gain valuable insight as to how to deal with your struggles and concerns from others who know exactly what you are dealing with. While it is often hard to open up during group therapy, it is an important part of the rehabilitation process.
Another therapy option that will be available to you during rehab is family therapy. You will likely have a week or two to work on yourself without the distraction of family and friends. After that, your therapist will talk with you about bringing your family in for family counseling sessions. As an addict, you may have additional problems with your close family members due to your drug or alcohol abuse. Your therapist will sit in on the meetings and help guide the conversation in order to bring about constructive results.
Aftercare Services Available
Your therapist can also help you find local NA or AA meetings that cater to the LGBTQ community. They can set you up in a sober living facility if you cannot go home right away. This is a chance for you to continue with your therapy while you start to integrate back into your regular lifestyle. Make sure you have an aftercare plan set up before you leave the rehab.
Remember, relapse can be a part of the process for many people. If you relapse after you have left the program, it is okay to come back for additional help. Many addicts go to rehab a few times before their sobriety sticks.
We are here for you today- call us now!
When you need help as an addict and are part of the LGBTQ community, we are here to give it to you! Give us a call today to set up an appointment at 302-842-2390. We are eager to hear from you!