Xanax is a medication used commonly to treat anxiety. Classified as a benzodiazepine, Xanax stimulates the GABA neurotransmitters in the brain, producing a calm, relaxed feeling for the individual ingesting the medication. There is no question about the efficacy of this drug; it works as advertised, delivering a reliable result. The problem with Xanax is that this medication is highly addictive and even short-term use can create severe dependency. You may have initially thought that Xanax was the answer to your prayers and appreciated the sedative effect. Soon, though, your body likely developed a tolerance to the medication. At some point, you realized that you are addicted to Xanax, and now you are not sure how to quit. You may worry, for example, about whether stopping Xanax could impact your employment. You wonder if it is possible to stop using Xanax without missing work. Below are some facts that may help you to solve this dilemma.
Can You Work with Your Doctor to Implement a Tapering Protocol?
You may have noticed the warning label on the Xanax prescription container that advises against stopping the medication abruptly. This warning is there with good purpose because quitting Xanax suddenly can be very uncomfortable and, in some instances, dangerous. Xanax affects the central nervous system, and immediate cessation of use precipitates withdrawal symptoms, such as shaking hands, body tremors, insomnia, agitation, and extreme anxiety. The correct method to use when approaching a Xanax addiction is to wean yourself off the medication slowly through a tapering protocol prescribed by your physician. In theory, you can continue to work during the taper, but, understand that you may be uncomfortable during this period and have some difficulty performing your job. Many people elect to admit themselves to an inpatient treatment facility to cope with Xanax addiction, and you might want to consider that option.
Can You Utilize an Intensive Outpatient Program?
Quitting Xanax on your own without missing work is a challenge. Your friends and family will support your effort to stop using Xanax, and they may even have noticed some of the adverse effects that the medication has caused. There is a difference, though, between sympathy and empathy. In your case, it is valuable to connect with others that understand your struggle and can give you support. Also, there remains the issue of the anxiety that led you to use Xanax initially, and you need help in treating this condition. Intensive outpatient programs offer treatment to people with addictions that enable them the ability to continue working and carrying on with ordinary affairs. You are assigned a clinician, who will meet with you individually, and you will also attend and participate in group therapy sessions. Some intensive outpatient programs also provide the services of a psychiatric nurse practitioner that can prescribe non-addictive medication to treat your anxiety. Intensive outpatient programs typically meet at night, so that participants can remain employed.
Can You Recognize the Need for More Intensive Treatment if You Find That You Cannot Quit?
Your commitment toward recovery from Xanax is commendable. The fact that you have recognized the problem and are interested in a solution is a critical epiphany. Your dedication to maintaining your employment while quitting Xanax is admirable and should be successful provided that you consult with your doctor. However, it is possible that you may not succeed, and you should plan for a worst-case scenario. Xanax addiction is one of the most difficult to treat because the withdrawal is protracted and uncomfortable. The amount of Xanax that you have been taking and the length of time that you have been taking it are significant factors.
Many Xanax addicts require inpatient treatment, and if you are one of them, do not be ashamed. If you try to quit and find that you cannot handle the difficulty of the withdrawal symptoms while working, you are not alone. Admitting yourself to a treatment center for your Xanax addiction will most likely not cause you to lose your job, and you might even be eligible for short-term disability. There is nothing more important than your health, so you should act accordingly. The most important thing for you to realize at this point is that your Xanax addiction is not your fault and it is not a sign of weakness. Countless others have found themselves in your position and received the treatment they needed. Please give us a call right now at 772-266-5320 because we know what you are going through and are prepared to help.