How to get through drug treatment?

Drug and alcohol addiction is now recognized as a legitimate disease. When you are ready to get the help that you desperately need, it may be hard knowing where to start. An addiction rehab facility sounds like the best place to begin, but you likely have tons of questions and concerns. You’re also unsure of how you will get through your drug treatment. What happens in rehab? What can you expect? How do you cope? These are all legitimate concerns that we would be happy to address. Read on to learn how you can get through treatment and on a path to continued sobriety.

Remember-It’s a Disease

Drug and alcohol addiction is a disease, no matter what people may still believe. Unfortunately, society still looks down on those suffering from addiction, and many people think that being an addict is a sign of being weak and unmotivated to change. It’s not, and this mindset will help you in recovery.

It’s normal to be scared to join a treatment center. Even when you recognize that you have a problem, recovery takes time, commitment, patience, and perseverance. To commit to sobriety, you must make some major changes, including the way you deal with stressful situations, the people you interact with daily, and the way you look at yourself. Getting through rehab requires a commitment to change in many areas. But the feeling you will get when you overcome your addictions will make these changes feel amazing.

Considering the Changes

As we stated above, recovery is all about changes. To get through rehab, make sure you keep those changes at the forefront of your mind. Having a goal will help motivate you throughout your journey, so you’ll always want to stay on top of the changes you will be making during your rehab stay. Let’s look at a few of them below.

Drug and alcohol use- Before entering rehab, keep a physical log of what you use, when you use, and how much. When you see it in black and white, it gives you a much clearer idea of how addiction has become a major role in your lifestyle.

Talk to a family member or friend- Ask someone you trust what they think about your drug or alcohol use. Another trusted opinion will help you get through your treatment.

List all the pros and cons of sobriety- Thinking of the money you will save, as well as the physical and mental toll on your body, will be a great help in the end.

What’s important in your life- Do you have kids? A spouse or significant other? A job or hobbies you adore? Pets? What about your health? Focusing on these factors and how your drug use affects them will help you stay on your path.

Addiction Recovery- The Next Steps You’ll Take

Once you are in a reputable rehab facility, you may find that you are struggling. This is normal and expected. Even relapse is a normal part of the recovery process. But there are steps you can take to ensure you make it through the program and take from it all that it has to offer.

You CAN change- Remind yourself daily of why you want to change. Is it for your health? Your kids? Your job? Most of all, you should want to change for yourself. But it doesn’t hurt to remind yourself of how much your loved ones love you and want you to get better.

Commit to the change- Tell your friends and family members about rehab. Write letters while you’re in the program to explain your goals and desires. Commit every single day to changing your lifestyle into a better, cleaner version of yourself.

Focus on the goal, but take it a step at a time- You should have an end goal for yourself, which is of course sobriety. However, one phrase you will likely hear all the time is “one day at a time.” You may even have to take it one hour at a time, and that is okay!

Call For More Information

Call us today at 772-266-5320 when recovery is your next step. We can guide you through the process and get you started on a program that fits your needs today.

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Essentials mission is to renew lives impacted by addiction through personalized and complete behavioral healthcare. Our main purpose is to provide services and education to the client and family that will support long lasting recovery of mind, body, and spirit.