Yes, it is possible to get off of heroin without going to a rehabilitation center, but it is extremely difficult. Even those who were determined to relieve themselves of their addictions failed to do so on their own. That’s mainly because the withdrawal symptoms that people must undergo are absolutely horrendous.
Even so, people who were addicted to heroin decided that they were going to quit on their own anyway. The day that they did this, their bodies immediately began to readjust. At this time, the body has to figure out a way to function without the drug, but this causes unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that the person may or may not be able to withstand.
The Withdrawal Symptoms
After just 10 to 24 hours since their last hits, these people began to feel extremely strong cravings for the drug. They may also have been depressed, experienced anxiety and lost interest in everything. They failed to eat, developed a runny nose and began to sweat. They also had trouble sleeping and began to yawn throughout the day.
Those who were resilient enough to refrain from ingesting heroin after experiencing the abovementioned withdrawal symptoms began to suffer from the following symptoms:
- High blood pressure
- An elevated heart rate
- Dilated pupils
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal cramping
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Restless leg syndrome
- Muscle pain
One important reason that people fail when they are experiencing withdrawal symptoms is because they are expecting this time period to go badly. When people expect their withdrawal symptoms to be extremely harsh, they usually are. The reason is that they will concentrate on what they are feeling, so they will notice every little thing. This fear makes it more likely that their bodies will become tense, and this causes the symptoms to worsen. For this reason, people need to think positively while they are going through the detoxification process.
Why People Can’t Do It
First, the abovelisted symptoms are too much for some people, but there are many other reasons that people can’t get off heroin on their own. Another important reason is that relapse is highly likely for those who are addicted to heroin. The stakes are even higher for people who are suffering from anxiety or depression. Those who don’t have any friends or family members to support them also have a difficult time.
A person who is having trouble keeping his or her job or remaining in school tends not to be able to find the incentive to remain off of the drugs. If someone doesn’t have any coping skills, this makes it difficult to leave the drugs behind. Stress also takes its toll on these people and makes it difficult for them to commit to staying away from the drug.
The Solution
It may be possible for your loved one to stop abusing heroin for a short period of time, but that is not the goal. The point is to remain free from heroin for life, and the best way to do this is to enter a rehabilitation facility. Your loved one will begin with detoxification treatment, but the patient will be in a center with a physician who will prescribe medications that will make it easier for her to tolerate the withdrawal symptoms. Your loved one’s body will have the time that it needs to readjust to living without the drug.
Your loved one will also be required to attend counseling sessions. Therapy will be instrumental in helping your loved one recognize his or her reasons for the heroin abuse. After detox, the therapy will include individual as well as group counseling, behavioral therapy, treatment for a previously undiagnosed mental health disorder, relapse prevention training, addiction education and life skills for when your loved one leaves the facility.
People addicted to heroin have benefitted from in-patient rehabilitation centers. These are the best places for someone who is grappling with a serious addiction because he will be taken outside of his normal environment. This will allow him to concentrate on his recovery without being in danger of seeking heroin again.
While in rehab, your loved one’s day will be structured to include one-on-one therapy sessions, group therapy and activities. After your loved one is ready to leave the rehabilitation center, she will not be left to her own devices because the rehab will continue to treat her to ensure that she can remain free of drugs for the long term.
If you are ready to get started, call us today at 772-266-5320. Our counselors are here for you 24 hours a day.