As you’re investigating possibilities for addiction treatment, you’ve been hearing the term “treatment plan” and are wondering what this phrase means. Ultimately, a treatment plan is the combination of strategies that will be used to help you to recover from addiction.
The Purpose of Individual Treatment Plans
When it comes to recovery from alcohol and drug addiction, no two individuals are exactly alike. Even two people with the same type of addiction have different needs. After all, you will have different life experiences from the person who is sitting next to you in a group therapy session. Therefore, the purpose of an individual treatment plan is to ensure that your personal needs are met in rehab. You will work with staff members at the treatment center to determine the most effective plan for you. Now, you can learn about the different components of a treatment plan.
Types of Treatment
Discussions about your treatment will start with the overall type of plan. Typically, there are three possibilities:
- inpatient treatment
- outpatient treatment
- blended treatment
Inpatient treatment means that you live at the center for a certain amount of time, and outpatient treatment means that you continue to live at home. A blended approach would involve both inpatient and outpatient treatment. Generally, you would enroll in inpatient treatment first. Then, after you are finished with that program, you would start going to outpatient sessions.
Duration of Treatment
The plan should also involve an estimated duration of treatment. Keep in mind that the amount of time that you’re in treatment for can change. For example, you might start with a three-month program. At the end of the three months, you and your counselor might determine that an additional month or two would be useful. While you may want to have a definite answer as to when you will be finished with treatment, remember that the most important goal is for you to heal. Emphasize quality over quantity.
If you have a comorbidity, your treatment plan should account for this fact. You might suffer from both depression and addiction. Therefore, the plan should include treatments that work toward addressing both of these issues. If you have a previous diagnosis from a mental health professional, be sure to share this information with your counselor at the treatment center before you begin the program.
Physical Health Needs
A good treatment center should be staffed with professionals who are concerned with your overall health. If you have other health care concerns, this information should be a part of your treatment plan. People who are allergic to certain medications should have this information listed on their treatment plans. You may also have a physical disability or limitation that will affect the type of treatment that you can receive.
Scheduled Therapy
Your days at an inpatient treatment facility are going to consist of various components. Attending therapy sessions is typically an important part of the recovery process. Your treatment plan should include the number of sessions you’ll attend per week and the type of therapy that you’ll receive. For example, you may have both individual and group therapy sessions on your schedule.
Religious Beliefs
You might be surprised to learn that religious beliefs can play a role in your treatment plan. However, some people find that professing belief in a higher power is actually a critical part of their recovery. In order to make sure that team members are respectful of and sensitive to your religious or spiritual beliefs, this information can play a role in your treatment plan. If you are a religious or spiritual person, you may find that activities related to these beliefs are included in your plan for treatment. A treatment plan is a truly beneficial part of your recovery. When a representative says that a treatment plan is going to be created for you, recognize that the team members want to help you in an individual and personal way. Learning more about treatment plans and the options that are available can open your mind to the many opportunities for recovery. To speak with a professional about this matter, call 302-842-2390 today.