Why Does Rehab Keep Failing For Some People?

For a solid percentage of former substance abusers, rehab served as a godsend that aided them in overcoming their addictions. In certain cases, however, the process fails. When such instances occur, many are left wondering why rehab works for some but not others.

The Reasons Rehab Fails

Researchers and addiction treatment specialists argue that rehab might fail for any number of reasons including:

Inadequate Care

Occasionally, rehab attempts fail because the healing soul was administered inadequate care. There are several forms of substance treatment available and it is crucial to remember that every individual brings their own set of struggles and underlying circumstances to the forefront.

Therefore, the rehab process should never be undertaken through a one size fits all approach. Prior to entering a treatment program, the prospective recipient, their loved ones, doctors, addiction treatment professionals, and all other concerned parties should examine factors such as the program attendee’s:

  • Age
  • General physical, mental, and emotional health
  • The substance they were dependent upon
  • How long they were addicted
  • The amount of the drug they used

Interested subjects are also encouraged to consider additional issues including the person of interest’s financial status, if they possess adequate health insurance coverage, and their specific familial and professional responsibilities.

Failure To Initiate Needed Changes Post-Rehab

Numerous rehab stints have proven unsuccessful because the participants neglected to make the necessary life changes once they completed the programs. While finishing rehab is a major step towards recovery, it is not a cure all.

Recovering dependents must enact lifestyle alterations geared towards helping them maintain their sobriety. Such amendments include:

  • Eliminating unnecessary life stressors
  • Changing one’s diet, sleeping patterns, and social habits
  • Avoiding bad influences
  • Establishing relationships with only positive and productive individuals
  • Finding a different job if said vocation precipitated abusive or addictive behaviors

In some cases, the improving soul may even need to move to another city or state.

Little Or No Support In The Outside World

Most addiction industry professionals emphasize the importance of establishing a solid support system. Recovery can be an arduous and challenging task demanding a great deal from the healing subject. That said, no one can complete the process without the help of a group of caring and encouraging backers determined to ensure their loved one or close association maintains their sobriety.

Recovering addicts lacking this crucial network of people stand at greater risk of relapsing.

A Lack Of Commitment

Certain substance abusers enter rehab for the wrong reasons. Said individuals might be forced or take this action to appease persistent family members. In many cases, this is a recipe for failure.

Overcoming drug dependency typically hinges on the user’s understanding that they possess a serious problem, said issue has taken over every aspect of their life, and that they stand to lose all things dear to them if they do not take quick and decisive action.

Personality Flaws

Rehab fails to work for some people because they neglect to address underlying personality flaws that may have initially precipitated the addiction. Specific examples include social phobias, low self-esteem, and a lack of confidence.

Underlying Mental Disorders

Though occasionally overlooked, mental issues possess the capacity to contribute to one’s dependency and prevent said subject from ultimately conquering the demon. Common underlying contributors include anxiety and depression.

Tips For Achieving Successful Rehab

Fortunately, those who have experienced unsuccessful rehab stints in the past might yield fruitful outcomes on future occasions by adhering to suggestions such as:

Completing The Program

This sounds like obvious advice. However, an appreciable number of recovering individuals opt to leave rehab before officially completing a given program. Such actions may be taken because they witness an improvement in their physical health or feel they simply have nothing else to learn or gain by sticking around.

Addiction specialists urge against this practice and caution that programs are established for given periods of time for a reason.

Strengthening External Support Networks

As previously stated, a support system is usually paramount to one’s recovery and sobriety maintenance. Therefore, the former addict should continually strive to strengthen their support network.

Focusing On Total Improvement

Staying sober often involves treating the person as a whole. This means that healing souls should stress other crucial life-sustaining activities such as consuming a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, remaining properly hydrated, obtaining sufficient physical fitness, and keeping one’s mind alert and focused.

Developing A Relapse Prevention Plan

To err is human. The physical and mental obstacles improving individuals face can sometimes prove overwhelming. Such challenges could precipitate the desire to use again or even slip-ups.

These occurrences are normal. That said, the key to preventing a full-blown relapse is to have a prevention plan in place covering topics including emergency contacts and support groups that can be reached in a moment’s notice.

Reaching Out To Us

Completing rehab is not easy. However, those who have struggled on previous occasions are urged to reach out to us. Our central and southern Florida facilities enjoy an impressive track record of helping current addicts become former dependents. Call us at 772-266-5320.

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Essentials mission is to renew lives impacted by addiction through personalized and complete behavioral healthcare. Our main purpose is to provide services and education to the client and family that will support long lasting recovery of mind, body, and spirit.